Moving in Autism Special Academic Seminar


A School of Education Additional Support Needs Research Group and Moving in Autism Seminar

Stenhouse Wing (Strathclyde Business School) Room 107

199 Cathedral Street, Glasgow
G4 0RQ

4:00pm – 5:30pm

Wednesday 25th October 2017

Language and interactive experience in autism

Dr. Hanne De Jaegher (Basque Country)

Abstract.  What happens if we study autistic social interactions with close attention to how they are experienced by both participants with autism and without autism? I will present an interactive and phenomenologically sensitive research paradigm to study the social interactions of individuals with autism. I will briefly present some conceptual background from participatory sense-making theory, and some empirical findings on the experience of interactions in autism. Then I will present two hypotheses about autistic language-in-interaction, with some empirical illustrations. I will end with an invitation to encourage and strengthen the ways individuals with autism might participate in everyday social interactions.

Bio.  Hanne De Jaegher, philosopher of mind and cognitive science, student of how we live, love, and make sense (of each other), and also not. Research Fellow at the IAS-Research Centre for Life, Mind, and Society, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of the Basque Country. D.Phil, 2007, University of Sussex.

Discussant: Prof. Colwyn Trevarthen (Edinburgh)

Chair: Dr. Jonathan Delafield-Butt (Strathclyde)

This is an academic seminar to which all are welcome.